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2021 Celebratory Digital Performance

We are so excited to reveal our new filming project across Aberdeen!

This edited filmed performance will unite the whole school and connect us all once again through our joy and passion for dance. Each level within the school will perform a short section of a dance that will be filmed and edited together with others to produce a short film. The performance will be recorded outdoors at all training and performing venues around Aberdeen during the week commencing Monday 24th May 2021.

We have three aims for this performance:

To perform united as a school:

Performance allows the skills that have been learned to be realised and celebrated. Dance is unique amongst the expressive arts as it’s a non-verbal form of communication and therefore allows children the ability to express through movement where words perhaps fail. With many students having had their planned performances cancelled or postponed they have been starved of face to face performing opportunities. This performance is an attempt to resolve the situation and celebrate as a school our love of dance.

Support our local theatres: remain connected to our art form:

All performance venues within Britain have some serious concerns about their ability to sustain their reopening. We have all sorely missed going to live performances and being within our beloved local theatres. We aim to highlight the plight of our local venues by performing outside their buildings. All have been given their support and we aim to connect to their charitable fundraising in order to help secure their future.

Provide a treasured memento for future years:

Rather than look back with bitterness or sadness we want to help heal and provide hope. The performance will allow all students to realise that despite the challenges we all face solutions can be found.

Check out our DC Summer Celebration Video here below!



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